10th Anniversary for Syban program — Health Communication Resources

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10th Anniversary for Syban program

The tenth anniversary for Syban program was on the 11th of May. Syban Radio program was launched in Pakistan by Feba Pakistan in 2006 as a response to the devastating Muzaffarabad earthquake in late 2005, where 80 000 died and an estimated 4 million others left homeless.  Various government agencies in Pakistan had asked HCR to help them respond to the earthquake at the same time Feba Pakistan was looking at FM radio involvement. The program led to an ongoing expansion of programs into FM broadcasting stations in other cities in partnership with local churches. HCR is currently evaluating transformative outcomes of the expansion program.

When Ross was in Pakistan in April/May the team began planning for tenth anniversary celebrations, asking the community what they thought of the Syban radio program.

ISMAIL (regular listener of SYBAN)

Greetings my name is ISMAIL. I live in UPPER CHATTER MUZZAFARABAD. I have been listening pro SYBAN for last five years continuously. In SYBAN most significant topics are discussed for their solution. It is very good program. On the accomplishment of 10 years of SYBAN I say congratulation. I listen to it eagerly, you should also listen. It is my voice, thanks.


Greetings I am AMIR UL DIN MUGHAL. I am doing work in AZAD JAMU & KASHMIR, as a representative of SAMHA TELEVSION channel. Apart from it I am also working on my website. So far as Program SYBAN is concerned, it is very good Program, I have been invited in it many time for giving my services to the community. It is very good program. SYBAN is working on education, health, and other social issues very effectively. On the HAPPY 10th anniversary of SYBAN, I say congratulation with the best wishes that may it keep on working effectively for removing social evils and we become a developed country one day. Thanks!


Hello I am RJ UMAIR here; I have been working with VOCIE OF KASHMIR FM 105, for eight years. So far as SYBAN Program is concerned, since the time of earth quake in MUZZAFARABAD by helping the effected of the earthquake, to on word SYBAN team very effectively working on education, health, and other social issues.  ON the eve of 10TH ANNVARSARY of SYBAN I say congratulation to all SYBAN`s team with my best wishes thanks.

NADEEM AHMED AWAN (PWD person with disability, and chairman of SAHARA WELFARE COMMITTEE)

Click link below to see his video response.